Friday 2 December 2011

I had the most amazing breakfast

Yes, I know I'm posting about breakfast in the evening but really, I could eat this any time of day :)
I had Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Pancakes for breakfast.
Please don't die.
These have zilch sugar! (I'd take pictures but I currently have no camera. A situation I hope Christmas will remedy)
I used a this recipe, then altered it a bit
What I did:
1/3 c. rye flour
1/3 c. oats
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
up to a 1/3 c. Silk (soy milk, but you can use whatever milk, water or juice you want!)
1 1/2 tsp chocolate chips (I have little bitty baby chocolate chips, so for me a little goes a looong way)
Whisk the dry ingredients, then add the wet. Cook on medium, flip halfway like a normal pancake.
I put a little bit of PB and syrup on mine. (Since I've recently converted to a low(er) sugar diet, remains of my past are still in the kitchen)
This was a FANTASTIC was to start my day, and it all took less than 10 minutes!

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