Saturday 3 November 2012

Blueberries and Chocolate (my new favorite snack!)

I few things I've learned about myself and the world since starting this blog:
I have food sensitivities! All this playing around with new foods has lead me to discover that I'm sensitive to dairy and soy. They both make me break out badly.
There are so many amazing people in the blogosphere! I've been inspired by several bloggers to improve the quality of my photography and the content of my blog. I  know I'm not the most frequent blogger, but I try my best.
Since beginning this blog, I've gone from following recipes (which I still do on occasion) to creating my own successes (and ten times as many failures! Why do you think it takes me so long to get a recipe up?) But when I do post a recipe of my invention, it's with a sense of accomplishment. A year ago I never imagined this is where I'd be.

                                        Anyways, you came here for a recipe, right?

I'd like to share my new(est) favorite snack. The best thing about it? It's really easy, with few ingredients and tastes awesome!
1/4-1/3 c frozen blueberries
1/2 c. almond milk (I use unsweetened)
1-2 tsp carob powder (cocoa works in a pinch)
3 drops stevia
In a bowl, mix the blueberries in the carob powder. Pour on the milk and add the stevia. Eat with a spoon :)
                                                     (Told ya it was easy!)

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